As the owner or property manager of a commercial building, you’re more than likely aware of the importance of maintaining a clean parking lot, sidewalks and windows when operating a business. Whether this is to maintain positive first impressions, prevent potential injury or to keep within city and company standards and regulations – these features are visibly important. But that’s the catch, all these property features are readily visible to you and everyone around you – this is not the case for your building’s roof. When was the last time you made the heart-rattling ascent, via one of those cold, ever climbing, steel ladders) to the top of your building?

Commercial Roof Cleaning – A Guide

Hopefully, as an experienced manager or owner of a commercial building, you’ve made it a routine to examine your roof closely after major weather events, during seasonal changes and at least once every quarter (regardless of conditions). However, frequently examining your roof is only half the battle. By having your commercial building’s roof cleaned professionally on a regular schedule, you can begin to reap the benefits that come with properly maintaining a clean commercial roof. To find out more about what exactly those benefits are, continue reading.

Roof Maintenance And Longevity

Besides rock-solid groundwork, the most important aspect of your commercial building is the roof. However, unlike finding a crack in the foundation that can be overlooked for some time (though certainly not recommended), once you notice damage to your building’s roof, immediate action must be taken. In order to prevent unexpected openings in the ceiling from suddenly appearing during a storm, routine maintenance and cleanings should be implemented. Typically, commercial buildings have flat roofs (or low sloped roofs, if speaking technically) in order to save on materials, have more usable space and for easier installation. However, along with these perks come a few drawbacks to keep in mind as

Commercial Roof Cleaning – A Guide

Having a flat roof on your building makes for the perfect trough during storms for flying debris and pools of stagnant water. Once weather conditions improve, the roof will need to be cleared of any foliage and collections of water that didn’t drain correctly, or you’ll be heading towards eventual disaster. By allowing your commercial roof to remain covered in leaves, pine needles, and branches, you significantly increase the likelihood of your roof’s drainage system becoming clogged – making it the perfect conditions for organic matter to thrive. Allowing moisture and debris to collect up above will lead to erosion as well as unpredicted wear and tear that could significantly reduce the lifespan and structural integrity of your roof.

Commercial Roof Cleaning – A Guide

By scheduling routine roof cleanings for your commercial roof, you will get rid of the conditions preferred by such nuisances like rats, rust and black algae – nuisances that will no longer have the chance to become serious problems. Not to mention, having a team of professionals regularly cleaning your roof, means multiple pairs of expert eyes looking out for any potential issues that may need to be repaired. Between preventing new damage from occurring, discovering potential issues before they can wreak havoc on your company and life, and dramatically increasing the life of your commercial building’s roof, investing in thorough roof cleanings is the solution your roof needs.

Commercial Roof Cleaning – A Guide

Health And Safety

If having a roof that is stronger, pest free and will last longer still doesn’t convince you of the importance of commercial roof cleanings, then it’s time to consider the health and safety of your employees, customers and on-site contracted workers. As mentioned earlier, when moisture is allowed to thrive on your rooftop, it makes for an ideal environment for growing organic matter such as mold and mildew. You might think “I’m not sending any employees or customers up on the roof, why should it matter?” but this would be a mistake. Flat roofs tend to house the buildings intake vents and HVAC systems, meaning that bacteria from a black algae as well as mold spores are able to enter the vents and consequently, people’s lungs. According to the CDC, inhaling matter, such as spores, can result in a whole slew of health issues, from stuffy noses to itchy skin to even difficulty breathing and high fever. Meaning those working hard to keep your company running smoothly could be out sick more frequently or even be subject to legal compensation due to unsafe work environment.

Commercial Roof Cleaning – A Guide

Beyond having unhealthy air that’s making your building’s inhabitants sick, a dirty roof can also result in disaster and injury. The first sign that your roof’s, and potentially the entire building’s, structural integrity is faltering is the presence of leaks. If there is water making its way through the ceiling and to the warehouse floor, it means that the roof’s interior structure has also encountered such moisture. Leaks in the roof will eventually lead to holes in the roof, or worse, a complete collapse. If such a catastrophe were to occur, there’s a high chance that your employees and customers could be injured or even killed. If you (and everyone else) are lucky enough to emerge from the wreckage physically unscathed, the financial burden of installing a new roof or building from the ground up could be the end of your company all together. However, regular roof cleanings can help prevent such a tragedy from ever playing out.

Commercial Roof Cleaning – A Guide

It’s Time to Call the Pros

At Rainy City Roofing Services, our team of dedicated professionals possesses the expertise, resources, and industry knowledge needed to deliver superior outcomes for every commercial roofing project. From new-build installations to routine maintenance and emergency repairs, we ensure that every roof, whether residential or commercial, is built to the highest quality standards, using only the finest materials and proven techniques.

Whether your commercial roof involves steep angles, large skylights, hard-to-reach spots, or lots of square footage – regardless of the challenge, Rainy City Roofing Services can handle the job. Don’t waste your employees’ time or risk their safety by having them scale narrow ladders and operate equipment they are unfamiliar with from 35 feet in the air. Instead, rest assured that our experts will handle the job efficiently, and to your standards. With Rainy City Roofing as your trusted partner, you can rest assured that your commercial roof is in capable hands, allowing you to focus on what matters most – running a successful business in a safe and secure environment.

Commercial Roof Cleaning – A Guide

Don’t hesitate, call Rainy City Roofing Services and receive a free project estimate today!